Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Wow, it's been almost 2 months since I've posted here. I've been reading, but not really commenting, as I'm short on time usually, or only have one hand free to type.

Lennon's 10wks old, and the time has flown by. Things here are busy and good, although at times I still can't believe how hard parenting a live child can be! I also realize how incredibly lucky I am to have him, even when I'm going through the "hard" moments.

I do feel having him has been a bit healing of my grief for Nevan. The initial 2 weeks after his birth I was hugely emotional and really thinking of her a lot. And I do still think of her everyday, and wonder how life would be different if she were here, but I haven't been deeply sad for a while. Sad, yes, but no really terrible days like I'd have before. I'm hoping this is maybe a new phase of grief, remembering, holding her close, and moving forward. Her little brother is a little joy, and I know we're so lucky to have him with us.


  1. Sweet baby! I love how he's kinda holding on to his little bear buddy! I'm so glad you've been too busy to post, so happy you finally have your hands full. I'm halfway through this pregnancy with Andrew's little brother, Thomas and I'm counting down the days until my hands are too busy. Give that sweet baby a squeeze from me. I'm so happy that your heart is full again!

  2. I'm midway by means of this particular maternity along with Andrew's little buddy, Thomas and I'm counting off the times right up until my palms are so active. Provide that nice baby a new squeeze via us. Now i'm so satisfied your center is actually entire once again!
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